Investing in Our Future

Dec 6, 2021 | House Institute Foundation

You can be a part of these life-changing stories. Donate today, and contribute to our cutting-edge research, education, and global health efforts. 

By Javia Headley, Marketing Communications Manager

The House Institute was founded on research, education, and patient care. Before Dr. Howard House first started his practice in the 1940s, he spent a year and a half training under physicians in the United States and in Europe in the fenestration technique for otosclerosis. Upon returning, he was one of the only physicians in America performing this surgery, causing his practice to boom. Two grateful patients, George Eccles and Nancy Witter donated $20,000, which would be valued at $300,000 today. With this donation, Dr. Howard House founded the Los Angeles Foundation of Otology, which would later become the House Institute, with the vision of creating a world where “all may hear.”

“As I look back,” said Dr. Howard House in an interview in the early 2000s, “Part of my life, of course, my baby has been two things: the care of patients, and the things we’ve been able to do with the institute by way of research . . . I’ve always felt it doesn’t do any good to do all this research unless you teach.”

“He said that in 2003, just before he passed away at 95.” Explains Dr. Howard House’s son John House, MD.” It’s just amazing all of the accomplishments that have been made thanks to the House Institute and its establishment 75 years ago. It is an amazing story. Since then, we’ve educated over 40,000 physicians around the world. This was Howard House’s dream, not only doing the research but also sharing the knowledge and the advanced techniques we have developed here at the House Institute. For example, the safe removal of acoustic neuromas, cochlear implants, hearing aids, and more, and we continue this research today. There are some mysteries, but that’s what the future is. If we can accomplish in the future what we did in the past, that would be a dream come true. So as Howard House once said, ‘the future is bright, very bright.’”

Being deaf and using a cochlear implant never stood in the way of achieving being the best I can be. Throughout high school, I was on the golf team. I was on the honor roll and honors society. Recently, in the spring of 2021, I graduated with two majors and a minor from the University of North Texas.”


We took photos of a little girl hearing for the first time. Such a dramatic moment! It was absolute magic being able to affect her future in such a way, and it was also magic that we could capture and share with the world.”


I’m loving the clinical trial. I’ve gone my longest without vertigo since being diagnosed with Ménière’s disease. I’m hopeful that my future will be a place where my symptoms are under control, and I can get back to the more flexible lifestyle I had before.”


Our past has been brilliant, and our future looks even brighter.

Extraordinary efforts to improve hearing and create a better quality of life require extraordinary support. In honor of our 75th anniversary, our goal is to raise $750,000. Please support our world-class research, education, and humanitarian efforts and give any amount today to ensure breakthroughs in hearing health for tomorrow. Donate Now