October 2022 Temporal Bone Dissection Course

Nov 14, 2022 | House Institute Foundation, Research

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Recently, the House Institute hosted its biannual Temporal Bone Course at Advanced Bionics.   
The temporal bone dissection course is designed for residents and physicians looking to advance their knowledge and practical skills in temporal bone dissection and surgery. The course includes lectures in otology, neurotology, and skull base surgery, as well as hands-on dissections that aim to improve surgical skills.  

“Our instructors will be there with them spending whatever time it takes to do the operations appropriately. Attendees learn the anatomy, how to identify the vital structures, and can hopefully return home a better surgeon and physician.” 
John House, MD

One attendee, Yuzuru Ninoyu, a post-doctoral fellow from Japan, wants to cure hearing loss. Unfortunately, in Japan, they do not have enough cadavers for physicians like Dr. Ninoyu to train on. The temporal bone course provides two specimens for each attendee for hands-on practices of surgical skills.  Dr. Ninoyu attended the course with the goal of getting a better understanding of temporal bone surgery on his quest to discover new treatment options.  

“The cochlear implant is really amazing technology. Still, even after getting the cochlear implant, patients have difficulty integrating with society. It is not a perfect treatment. Ultimately, I’d like to totally cure hearing loss in patients. Still, there are many big barriers to overcome. That is why I’m at the temporal bone course, so I can get a better understanding of the mechanics of hearing loss and develop new treatment strategies.” 

The temporal bone dissection course allows for the expansion of trained physicians around the globe plus keeps an open avenue of exchange in both directions for everyone who participates in the course. We strive to accomplish our mission of a world where all may hear not only through our treatment and research, but also through our commitment to quality education for hearing professionals everywhere. 

“The temporal bone course allows us to pass on knowledge to the next generation of surgeons. As we all get older and we finish our practice, it allows us to perpetuate this legacy.” 
Kevin Peng, MD


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